Our Story – Who We Are
The Eimeg tan tleiaoltieg (We are home where we belong) – Home for Life Research Study began with a crucial question posed by Eva Sock, a respected leader in Elsipogtog. As the Director of Primary Care at the Elsipogtog Health and Wellness Centre and a representative for Indigenous peoples on the NB Health Council, Eva sought to address pressing issues faced by Elders in her community. Her inquiry—”What do our Elders need? What challenges are they facing? How can we better understand these issues and take action?”—led to a collaborative effort with Dr. Jennifer Dobbelsteyn and a partnership with the Elsipogtog Health and Wellness Centre. Funding was secured through the Healthy Seniors Pilot Project from the Public Health Agency of Canada, with the project commencing in March 2020. A community-based research team was assembled to explore these questions, ensuring Elders could comfortably share their experiences in their native language. Although Eva has since passed, our work continues in her memory.
Home for Life means…
The home and community that form the foundation for health
The family, friends and foods that sustain us and strengthen our spirit
The land, language, culture and ceremony that heal us and keep us well

Partners and Collaborators
Elsipogtog Health and Wellness Centre
Chief Aaron Sock and Elsipogtog First Nation Band Council

Public Health Agency of Canada
Indigenous Services Canada

SE Health
Monitoring, Evaluation, Knowledge Transfer Unit (MEKTU) UNB
MTI Chiefs- Mi’mawe’l Tplu’taqnn Inc.

Healthy Seniors Pilot Project

Government of New Brunswick
Project Coordinator
807-472-7410 | vinsimon1950@gmail.com
506-471-1710 | jendobb@nb.sympatico.ca